Hello Everyone,
I’m back from hiding from blogging after about a month off and I couln’t be happier to start sharing with you all again. At the moment I’m feeling very grateful to have this platform to connect with like minded people from and to be able to use it to spread some love in the form of vegan food and inspiration. So a big thank you to you who’s reading this right this moment, you brighten my day! And before I get into the link love-ing let me update you a little on what’s up at the moment.
Having had a break from writing down everything I cook and sharing a lot of what I do has been great for getting a new perspective on what I’m actually doing here and I think I’m starting to shift my perception on what it means to me to make a good life and sharing it with an open heart. For now not much will change here on the blog but I’m sure as we move forward I’ll be wanting to elaborate more on various topics that have been and are appearing in my life that can maybe be useful to you in some way. So stay tuned and bear with me as I figure things out and enjoy all the food on and coming to the blog in the meantime.
The biggest shift since checking in here last is that Rob and I just moved into a new house at the beginning of last month and whilst it’s taking some getting used to I think it will give me time and space to dig a little deeper into what I really want from life. Unless I go crazy and run back to the city that is. He.
Because yeah, that’s right, we’ve moved to the countryside in south of Sweden and the last few weeks have been filled with clearing the garden, unpacking boxes and chasing away flies who just have to walk on every tickly spot of your body. ALL. THE. TIME. We’ve also been taking walks filled with fresh air, had lovely visitors – one being my mamma of course, picked lots of berries and gotten friendly with all the animals. It’s a new way of life and as I figure it all out I’ll make sure to share little snippets of reality with you all both here and on my youtube channel! For now I’ll include a few photos from our past month here in the greenery below for all of you who are feeling a little curious about what I’ve been up to.
But now to what I came here to do today which is sharing some links that have been inspiring to me these last two months. Yes, I’ve been gathering for two since I’ve been away from here but my list is still quite humble as my fingers have been more in the dirt than on the keyboard lately. But since I’m here again typing away these links are for you:
Starting off with my new obsession which is watching Mommy Tang’s mukbang on youtube and learning all about cooking vegan Koran food. If you’re not on the train then it’s time to hop on but remember to set limits in life because in my experience youtube watching can become a little obsessive.
Following on with some more youtube love this space goes to Yoga with Adriene and her 30 day ‘yoga camp’ that I started a few days ago now. It’s a gentle way to get back into yoga after a break (like me), to start out with yoga or to simply add to your movement routine if you feel like you need a little bit of love. And! She’s funny.
A bit more on yoga with the article 9 Interpretations of the Yamas + Niyamas which is awesome if you want a wider understanding of yoga as a lifestyle. I think the article gives a fresh and easily digestable perspective on how one can bring yoga into life in general, off the mat.
Another article I found and enjoyed was How to Shop Like a Feminist on Vilda Magazine which gives some ideas on how to be a more ethical and thoughtful consumer from a feminist perspective. Fantastic!
And now to a slice of pie or onto the food trail that is I’d like to share a lovely blog I’ve discovered which is Sweet Kabocha run by a lovely reader of mine Valentina. Mainly plant based recipes and some glimpses into Valentina’s San Fransisco favourites can be found in a very neat and beautiful package.
Finally I can’t go through a whole link love without sharing a recipe of course and this time I’d love to introduce to you Amy Chaplin‘s Vegan White Chocolate Mousse! I can’t wait to try this in my new kitchen very soon and promise to grab a snap on instagram when I do.
That’s it for my links this month but before you go please have a look at my Favourites Video at the top to see more of what I’ve been loving these past two months. I hope you enjoy and much love to you all! x

Thanks so much for sharing Malin!! I love your new house <3
my pleasure valentina, your blog is so lovely 🙂
and thank you, we love it too <3
A red house with a yellow door in the Swedish countryside <3 how beautiful, Malin. I am happy for you and Rob (what a handsome fellow!) and can't wait to keep on reading and watching all your life and food updates! You have fast become my all time favourite blogger and Youtuber! (also love those Snapea crisps- they're available in Canada too yay!)
I really is lovely, we’ve had a lovely first month here and are hoping for many more to come. Thank you so much for your kind words, made me feel very proud of my little baby blog! 🙂
Looking forward to sharing much more with you soon!
And high five on the pea crisps, now I just have to find them in Sweden…