Hello and welcome,
To this new chapter in Good Eatings history; the link love posts. Unfortunately this ones coming a day late but I blame this on the persistent cold I’ve been fighting off the last few days. This January link love post is going to be all about the things that happened in January and the things I enjoyed as I explored Stockholm, Netflix and the internet of course. Also if you enjoy reading these inspiration posts stay tuned for my guide to a vegan’s Stockholm coming to the blog soon! This post is like a little sneak peak of what’s to come, enjoy the chilly pics.
Now let’s get sharing, clicking and enjoying what life has to offer!
I THOUGHT a good place to start would be by setting the soundtrack for this post and surely this has been the soundtrack for many this month as we said farewell to the ground breaking and beautiful musician that was David Bowie. So press play and give him a last thought before we forget as new things appear and disappear in the space and time of 2016. I do realise this is not technically a link but it is the only right way to go as we remember the month that’s past.

Rob on a hill with a view close to Zinkensdamm in Stockholm.
SOMETHING that really set the tone for this month in my life was Netflix and all the fantastic food related documentaries offered on this brilliant service. Here are my four favourites so far that are well worth watching to brush up on your facts and maybe even get inspired to change your lifestyle to a more plant based way (or rather they will most certainly make you think twice about your habits):

Vegan cinnamon roll at Sattva Naturbargeri (Organic Bakery).
NOW THAT you’ve maybe watched one of those documentaries (or when you have) you might want some new food and recipe inspiration to feed your new plant powered lifestyle. Here are my four favourite picks from this month, one for each documentary:
– Spaghetti w. Marinated Tempeh and Lemon/Chilli Sauce by Cashew Kitchen
– Smoked Tofu and Pea Salad or Vegan ‘Fish’ Salad by Nourish Atelier
– Gochujang Sweet Potato w. Coriander and Sesame by Vegan Miam
– Vegan Pho w. Shiitake, Pak Choi and Marinated Tofu by Plant Feed
AND IF you still would like some more plant food inspiration here are my three latest Instagram crushes:

Turmeric Chai at Kaffeverket.
MAYBE YOU are like me and can never get enough of food related media and inspiration and if so this is for you! Here are my two favourite vegan recipe YouTube channels at the moment (next to my own of course, haha):

NOW TO some more site specific items on this list and I’m sure you’ve been enticed by the images in this post and they’re all from the last three weeks that Rob and I spent in Stockholm. And since I’m writing a longer post about all my favourite places to go there I won’t be giving you the full scope right now but I of course want to give you some glimpses into where I enjoyed spending my time whilst there. With that I’m going to leave you and I hope you’ve enjoyed this post! If you have any links of your own to share with us please do so in the comments. x

Malin, what a great post, I didn’t visit Stockholm Raw yet, but adding this and other of your faves to my list for next visit to my home town! Your photography is so beautiful, Thank You for inspiring.
Hi Nina,
Thank you! I read our Stockholm guide just a few days before we left Stockholm, wish I had seen it earlier. We tried to visit The Green Queen after reading it but unfortunately it was closed for winter so it will have to wait until next time! I even tried to comment on your site but I’m not sure if I needed to be logged into some discussion forum or what it was but it didn’t work. I really loved your post though and your photographs are gorgeous!
STHLM RAW is lovely, a very cosy plae with yummy food. Looking forward to hearing what you think when you’ve been!
M x
Men åh tack för länken! <3 Och hittade massa fina tips på ställen jag inte varit på här ännu 🙂 T.ex Sthlm RAW och det där naturbageriet. Kaffeverket är en nyfunnen favorit! Det var väldigt fint att få träffa dig kort när du var här också. Hoppas på en repris snart igen! Kramar Agnes
Inget att tacka for, det var valfortjant och jag invantar fortfarande dagen da jag har tid att testa ditt recept!:)
Kul att jag aven kunde erbjuda lite inspiration, till och med till en inhemsk Stockholmsbo. Kanner mig stolt, haha. Sthlm Raw ar jatteharligt, du borde verkligen ta med dig datorn dit och jobba en dag. Nar vi var dar var det inte speciellt ‘busy’ alls. Och naturbageriet ar kanske inte sa mysigt att fika pa men att kopa med sig nagot hem ar att rekommendera, inte alls dyrt heller for att vara ett ekologiskt bageri. Tummen upp!
Slutligen haller jag helt med om att det var fint att traffas! 🙂 Och ja, en repris snart vore helmysigt.
Kramar M
Hey Malin!
What a great surprise! I was just casually reading your amazing post and saw my name in it 🙂 You’re the best! I have had a crush on your food style, recipes and photography since I was still living in London, haha 🙂
Stockholm is such a big dream of mine, can’t wait to visit <3
Sending you loads of love,
Hi Ana,
Glad to see you here and I just had to share your instagram because your crush is not alone – I have a huge crush on your food and photos too! 🙂
I hope you get to visit Stockholm too, it’s beautiful. Don’t follow my lead though, go in summer instead when you don’t freeze your toes off. When you go I’ll gladly share all my tips with you.
Lots of love to you as well!
M x