This is an easy to make and oh-so-yummy dessert for all of you out there with a sweet tooth and a love of chocolate! My people that is, haha 🙂 If you come here often you know I’m not the keenest baker but these tartelettes have no pastry to fudge up in sight and along with my trusty food processor I through these together in no time. All around good stuff if you ask me!
The crust is a delicious blend of mixed nuts and dates and the filling is made with silken tofu which shocks most people. But! Silken tofu is a perfect base for creamy desserts and fillings and carries the flavour of whatever you add to it. In this case melted dark chocolate, maple syrup and peanut butter. As you can tell this is a pretty rich and decadent affair! If you wish to lighten it a little serve it with some fresh raspberries or other fresh berries. Otherwise it’s perfectly delicious all on its own!
This dish was put together as the dessert for my Valentine’s Day three course menu video on YouTube for this year. It’s the third time I’ve made on of these! You can see year 2020 and 2021 too by clicking the years. This year these roasted carrots with gremolata, hazelnuts and yogurt are followed by a hot pink creamy beetroot pasta and then finished with the tartelettes in this post. Yum!
Malin x

No-Bake Chocolate and Peanut Butter Tartelettes
Makes: 5-6 × 10 cm wide tartelette molds
For the crust:
1 cup mixed raw nuts
1 cup pitted fresh dates (roughly 15-16 small ones)
0,5 cup desiccated coconut
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
Pinch of salt
For the filling:
1 x 400 g block of silken tofu
0,3 cup maple syrup
0,3 cup smooth peanut butter
1 tbsp coconut oil
0,25 tsp vanilla powder
Pinch of salt
100 g 70% dark chocolate
Top with:
0,25 cup crushed salted peanuts
Combine all the ingredients for the crust in a food processor bowl with an s-blade attached. Pulse the processor until you reach a crumbly texture that holds together when pressed between your thumb and forefinger.
Lay out your tartelette cases on a chopping board and distribute the mixture between them. There should be enough for 6 of them. Press the mixture out into all the nooks and crannies of the moulds with your fingers. Make sure that the sides are well filled. I like to press down with one hand on the top edge while I press the mixture out from the center of the mould towards the sides with the other.
Once all the cases are well distributed place them in the freezer to set while you make the filling.
There’s no need to clean the food processor bowl before making the filling. Simply make sure there are no crust crumbles left inside. Then add silken tofu, peanut butter, maple syrup, coconut oil, vanilla and salt to it and blend on auto until silky smooth. Then leave the food processor with filling mixture still in it while you melt the chocolate.
Break up the chocolate up into small pieces and drop into a bowl that fits snug on top of a small sauce pan. Fill the sauce pan with an inch of water and then place the bowl with chocolate on top. Bring the water to a simmer and allow the chocolate to melt slowly in the bowl. Use a spatula to help it along.
Once the chocolate is melted put the food processor on auto again and remove the little lid within the lid so that you can pour the chocolate in a steady stream into the food processor while it stays on. This will allow the ingredients to come together nice and smooth. Scrape down the edges once or twice to make sure everything is well mixed and then remove the blade.
Remove the crusts from the freezer and use a small ladle or simply pour the filling into them to fill them up to the top. smooth the filling our with the back of a spoon if needed and then bang the cases against the table a few times to release any air bubbles trapped in the filling.
Place in the fridge to set for at least 2 hours. Then gently remove from the moulds*. Serve on dessert plates and sprinkle the crushed peanuts in a nice shape across the top before serving**.
*Sometimes I leave the bottom of the mould on if I find they won’t come off easily.
**If you wish to lighten the tartelettes serve with some fresh raspberries or strawberries.