In this what I eat in a day video I share what meals I like to cook up when I’m having an IBS flare up. I make some simple vegan and gluten free dishes that are both tasty and irritated tummy friendly. I also share some of my best tips for how to alleviate symptoms of IBS like indigestion, bloating and pain. Believe me when I say that I know what I’m talking about here because my stomach has been acting up for a long time and I’m happy to share my best practices with you all.
With that said – remember that each body is unique and what works for me might not be the best for you. I for example have never done low FODMAP or any other specific elimination diet but simply figured out what foods irritate my gut and which foods and cooking methods don’t. I hope you get some inspiration and ideas from this video if you like me struggle with a sensitive stomach but all in all I urge you to get to know your own body. Also make sure to seek out medical advice of course if you are experiencing reoccurring symptoms.
I hope you all enjoy the video whether you are a sensitive Sally like myself or not. The recipes in the video are equally good for everyone. Especially if your looking for some simple whole food meals!
Malin x