We all know what cabbage can do to our stomach but a little bit can’t hurt, right? Besides it has fantastic health benefits and tastes amazing too if you do it right and I think I nailed this one, at least my partner thinks so. This recipe is inspired by the restaurant Boho Mexica on Commercial road who do a fantastically hot and tasty slaw. I tried to recreate the flavours and it ended up being this tangy and hot coleslaw with tabasco and coriander!
In this recipe I combine both green/white and red cabbage because I think it looks beautiful together, and even more so when you add the darker coriander to the mixture. The truth is however that red cabbage has more protective phytonutrients due to its deep red colour but it’s great to eat all colours of the rainbow so why not mix!
Cabbage is full of fibre. It is also rich in vitamin K as well as anthocyanins which is great for brain function. These two prevent nerve damage as well which means they can be a preventer of alzheimer’s disease and dementia. These again are richer in red cabbage.
Cabbage has so many fantastic benefits so I can’t go in depth about all of them but here is a quick info bomb: high in sulfur – great for skin and detox, a lot of vitamin C – immune booster, contains cancer-preventive compounds that stimulate enzyme activity and can inhibit cell growth, rich in potassium, betalains (in red cabbage) regulates blood sugar and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Phew, many reasons to why you and I should eat some cabbage!
Makes one generous bowl, enough for the whole family, and if there’s only one or two of you you’re lucky because you’ll have a great salad base for days.
Cooking time: tops 15 min.
¼ head red cabbage
¼ head white/green cabbage
⅓ cup coriander
3 tbsp olive oil
Juice from one lime
Rind from ½ – 1 lime
½ tsp apple cyder vinegar
20 squirts green jalapeno tabasco
Salt and pepper to taste
Grate the zest of the lime into a generous mixing/serving bowl.
Add oil, lime juice, vinegar, tabasco and spices and mix.
Slice cabbage thinly and add to the bowl.
Roughly chop coriander and add to bowl.
Toss, toss, toss.
Eat! Or leave in fridge for an hour (or days) and then eat!
considering i average a couple of heads of cabbage a week + am one of those crazies that purchase the gallon sized jars of tabasco, you can imagine how tail-wagging happy i am to read this post. my most recent favorite test kitchen cabbage play resulted in a pickled jalapeno juice coleslaw. i kind of feel like an idiot for not already going for the above flavor combination. i am sooooo making this tomorrow!!!
I hope you made it and enjoyed it! I love Tabasco too and only just discovered the giant bottles. Can’t wait to get my hands on one when I return home from my travels. Pickled jalapeno juice slaw sounds ood, I think I must try it…