It’s a crazy old autumn in my life. I have so much work and studying going on these last and coming few weeks that I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. If you’re missing me on social media at the moment this is why. I hope you guys understand and I’m hoping to use my new skills, from my studies to become a dietary and health coach, here and on my other platforms in the new year so there is something in it for you as well. I’m learning so much and really having the best time. It’s incredible how much easier it is to study when it’s something you really have a passion for and when you’re a little bit older as well. I’m not that old yet but I feel that this time around I have some experiences that actually serve me in my studies.
I didn’t come here to talk about my studies (again!) though. I want to share this super simple and delicious roasted vegetable tray with one of my fave sauces which is made with plant yogurt and tahini, some lemon and parsley. Yum! It’s a rather basic recipe but very useful I think in the colder weather we’re having now. Autumn is starting to make room for winter and I want to eat roasted everything all the time. This tray of vegetable goodness is enhanced and made with a fresh twist by adding fennel and lemon. These two things bring a more light touch to the dish and I’m all for it. While I want everything roasted it can get a little bit heavy and same same after a while.
In addition to using my favourite autumn vegetable; pumpkin I’m using my favourite autumn/winter fruit; pomegranate. Pomegranates are obviously never in season here in Sweden as our climate is not for growing pomegranates but it’s around this time that they start popping up in the store and I just love them. They add little pops of sweetness throughout the dish.
You can pair this with most things. We like it with fresh leafy greens and baked tofu. It’s also yummy with veggie patties like these beetroot ones. You could also throw on some chickpeas towards the end of the roasting time and eat a big bowl of just this for dinner, it makes for a very simple and delicious dinner with some greens on the side. I hope you like it and I look forward to checking in again on the weekend with a new vlog! x

YIELDS: 4 servings as a part of a bigger meal / TIME: 55 min
Roasted vegetables:
1 small pumpkin, I used hokkaido, deseeded and sliced into 1/2 inch think slithers
4 medium sized parsnips, cut into similar size as pumpkin
2 medium sized fennel bulbs, trimmed and quartered
3 medium sized red onions, outer peel removed and quartered (half if using smaller onions)
1 lemon, in 1/4 inch slices
2 tbsp virgin olive oil, or other oil
2 pinches flaked sea salt
Black pepper, to taste
Yogurt tahini sauce:
1/3 cup unsweetened plant yogurt
1/4 cup tahini
1/2 lemon, rind and juice
A small handful fresh parsley, finely chopped
1/3 tsp herbal salt
A pinch of black pepper
Kernels from 2/3 of a pomegranate
A handful of parsley, torn into smaller pieces
Roasted vegetables:
Preheat your oven to 200 degrees celsius.
Place all the vegetables on a lined oven tray and drizzle with olive oil. Add salt and pepper and mix well before spreading evenly across the tray. Use two trays to roast if it seems to crowded.
Place in the middle of the oven and roast for 34-45 minutes and the vegetables are soft and has some colour.
Yogurt tahini sauce:
Place all the ingredients in a jar or small bowl and combine well. If you’re serving it at the table you might want to use some of the lemon rind and parsley to sprinkle over the top.
I like to serve this on the tray and simply sprinkle the pomegranate kernels and fresh parsley over the vegetables just before serving. Drizzle with the sauce and enjoy (but don’t necessarily eat the lemons, unless you really like lemon – they’re there as a flavour enhancer).

[…] roasted vegetable tray with yogurt tahini sauce […]